September 9, 2021

R U OK Day 2021

Stay Connected and Initiate Conversations

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues it's more important than ever for us to stay connected with one another and initiate conversations.

R U OK? Day is this Thursday 9 September and the 2021 theme could not be more relevant to our times: 'Are they really ok? Ask them today'.

Do you know how the people in your world are really going? Life's ups and downs happen to all of us - and living in lockdown can have a way of magnifying the feelings associated with this. If you are struggling, it's highly likely that someone you know is too. Your genuine support can make a difference.  So, don’t wait until someone is visibly distressed or in crisis. Make a moment meaningful and ask them how they’re really going.

Further support can be sourced from the following organisations:-

Lifeline 13 11 44

Beyond Blue 1300 224 636

Further Reading


We are here to answer all your questions

If you are ready to engage Click Plan Management then Sign Up Now to get your NDIS goals underway. Then you can get on with the more important things in life – like LIVING!

If you have any questions before selecting us as your Plan Manager, then please contact us via our Live Chat or contact form below. We will be happy to answer all your queries and provide any further information regarding our service.

We look forward to being your "PLAN MANAGER".

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